Saturday, 12 March 2016

Tips to improve your Self-esteem

In this entry I will talk about self-esteem and then I give you a tips to improve it. Maybe you are wondering, what is self-esteem? Self-esteem simply means appreciating yourself for who you are, even faults, foibles and all. Most people think that have self-esteem it has to do with the way you look or the how much friends you have or have a great body but these people do not know the true meaning of self-esteem.
The differences between someone with a good self-esteem and someone without this ability it’s simply acknowledgement of your strengths and weaknesses. So, for all this people that don't have this ability, I give you three tips to improve it:

1-    Take a Self-Esteem Inventory. This tip consists in take a piece of paper and divide it into two sections. In one of these we write the strengths and in the other side we write the weaknesses. We have to write 10 of each. I think that with list can be a very good idea for we realized that we have a lot of strengths and abilities and we also can realized that most of our weaknesses may be able to change.

2-     Explore Yourself. In this section we have to know ourselves. We have to opening yourself up to new opportunities, new thoughts, trying out something new, new viewpoints, and new friendships.

3-    Stop Comparing Yourself to Others. We need to stop comparing yourself to others. Nothing can hurt our self-esteem more than unfair comparisons. I think that we have to think about it because maybe we don’t know about the life of people that they can have a lot of things and money and fame but they don't have happiness.

I decide to talk about self-esteem because I don’t have a lot of self-esteem and I also know about people who don’t accept him or love him. So, with this entry I want to say that is so important love ourselves and we have to know that every person in this life is different and everyone have a good abilities and strengths and if some aspect of our life we don’t like it we can change it.

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